How We Brought the Press Publish Store to Life

We often get asked, “How did you make it as creators?” Our answer is almost always the same: We just kept pressing publish.

When our direction felt uncertain, when our traction wasn’t strong, when we were questioning the future…we never lost our excitement to develop, film, edit, and share our next big idea. We kept pressing publish.

Turns out, we weren’t alone—pressing publish was the action that bound our whole creator community together. Those simple words were the “Just Do It” for creators.

And the profound impact of those two words—Press Publish—inspired us to create a brand around the feeling. With the words “Press Publish” on a hat or shirt, you could connect with your community, showcase your creator identity, and remind yourself that those ideas you have are worth sharing.

But creating a merch brand that says all that effectively isn’t easy. We’re talking printing, shipping, fulfillment, customer service, returns…the list goes on. To make it work? We needed some help.

Meet the Brand Factory for Creators

We partnered with Fan of a Fan to bring our brand to life. Cofounded in part by the team behind Yes Theory's Seek Discomfort brand, FOAF handled everything from design to garment selection to production to fulfillment so we could continue doing what we do best: making content and building community.

We’ve known the FOAF team for six years, so we say this confidently: It’s a merch company made by creators, for creators. Here’s how our project with FOAF went down →

We had to find the right aesthetic.

We’re meticulous about design because we know our audience cares a ton about it. FOAF understood—they were hands-on, sharing samples and mocks until we nailed the visual identity.

Take the Press Publish hat, for example. We were extremely picky about hats as they come in so many different shapes, sizes, and fits. But FOAF helped us find the perfect one…and it paid off. The two-tone hat has been a bestseller for us with 463 units sold so far.

We had to keep our community top of mind.

Our business is rooted in maintaining strong relationships with our community, meaning customer service (notoriously tough) was super important for us. FOAF? They have more than a dozen support reps who hopped directly into our inbox to help troubleshoot any store issues.

We had to nail the timing.

FOAF took care of all production, manufacturing, and fulfillment for the Press Publish store, even during the holiday rush.

  • We went into production of our merch around mid-December, hoping we could get our merch to doorsteps in time for the holidays. 

  • That timing and high-demand turnaround wasn’t a problem, because FOAF specializes in drop model launches.

FOAF warehouse for Seek Discomfort’s latest drop, Challenge Accepted, a collab with Michelle Khare

Bottom line:

Partnering with FOAF to drop Press Publish merch has been a major win. With FOAF's help, we know the Press Publish store is in good hands.

Creators have big opportunities to launch successful apparel businesses, but it only works with the right team. If you are looking to build a brand, reach out to the team at Fan of a Fan here.

This is sponsored content created in partnership with Fan of a Fan.
Check out Fan of a Fan
here or contact directly to learn more.